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Free Online Training: How to Define + Refine Your Niche to Attract More Customers


There is so much confusion & skepticism when it comes to defining a niche for your business. Do you agree?

"How in the world will niching my services down bring more customers to my business?! It makes no sense!"

"We don't want to be known for just one thing... we don't want to be pigeonholed..."

"Influencers & experts are saying not to niche down... Who's right?!"

If your goal is to find more customers who truly value your service (and won't question you every step of the way), you don't want to miss this training session.

We are going to demystify what niche means, what it doesn't mean & how to go about it the right way. After this session, you'll no longer be wasting your time randomly testing business development ideas or constantly chasing down new tactics & strategies that others claim "work like a magic." (You know how that goes).

RSVP here RIGHT NOW, and we'll take care of the restOnce you RSVP, we'll remind you when to log on, how to prep, etc. Easy, right?

Who will benefit the most from this training session?

Service business owners who have a sales track record for 18 months+. Defining & refining your niche works the best for businesses with tractions. 

If you are a visionary CEO & founder with the desire to build a high-functioning, profit-generating machine, this is for you.  

What you will master:

1. Why descriptions like "one-stop shop" or "all-in-one solution" are not good enough to cut through the noise in 2019.

2. What the most common misconceptions & points of skepticism are surrounding the concept of *niching-down*.

3. How to use the Niche Diagram to find your True North & prepare for the possibility of not hitting the bull's eye.

4. What the high-value questions are that you should be asking yourself & your team while implementing this strategy.

5. Real life examples of how this works that will shock you.

How this "online training" works: 

Once you RSVP, we will send you the instructions and the link to join the training.