
How To Create a Value-Packed Quiz that Will Grow Your Business

How To Create a Value-Packed Quiz that Will Grow Your Business

*Disclosure: I am an affiliate of the quiz creation platform, Interact. While this partnership gives you the chance to take advantage of a discount upon signing up with them, I also get a cut directly from Interact. 

#TrueStory – I had resisted creating a quiz to promote my business for the longest time.

I thought it was too gimmicky for my brand, as I wasn’t about to create a, “What’s Your Spirit Animal?” quiz. I thought the quiz craze was going to quickly die down. I thought it was just another flavor of the month that I didn’t need to give my attention to.

So, I warned myself not to jump on this bandwagon only to end up as another case study for allowing shiny object syndrome to side-track me from my vision for the business.

The reason I finally convinced myself to give it a try was when I gained clarity on the benefits of doing so. I realized that a free quiz could potentially serve more than the one purpose of building my email list on autopilot.

More on this later.

Little did I know that starting on my quiz creation journey was going to be one of the few best decisions I’ve made for my business.

By the way, I call this a “journey” because it took me a long time to finish it.

Wait, don’t bounce just yet because I said it took a long time. It’s not that it took me a long time to work on creating a quiz day in & day out. It took me a long time because I had to walk away from this for a few good months before I came back to finish it.

Actually, believe it or not, I walked away from both of my quizzes.

Yep, I have 2 quizzes, and I had to walk away from both of them. For the first one, it took me more than 5 months to revisit it. The second one took me a lot less time, about 2 months or so.

But the good news is that you don’t have to go through the same journey.

How to Maximize Free and Low-Ticket Offers for Your Business

How to Maximize Free and Low-Ticket Offers for Your Business

Let me share a heartbreaking story that fueled me to write this piece. It goes like this:

"Guys listen, to be perfectly honest with you, I'm shocked,” said a bright young YouTuber during one of his live streams where more than 4,000 people were watching in real time.

He continued, "I've given you all the free tools. I've given you short educational videos. But most of you watching this right now don't even use them. I know this because I check the analytics."

He was clearly upset & disappointed, but not because his viewers weren’t buying anything from him. He only provides free content on YouTube.

"You guys are just waiting for me to save the day. If things don't go your way, you just shit-talk in the comments. All you want to know is whether this coin is a buy or that coin is a buy."

"I decided to start this channel (that I'm contributing to) to help people generate ‘generational wealth.’ That's my mission. I don't need to do this for a living. I don't need to do this if you aren't serious & committed."

I genuinely felt for him. I knew exactly how he was feeling.

Here's a quick backstory about this guy.

He's 25 years young. He lost his father to suicide last year. He was barely making ends meet with his construction business. Then he got scammed & lost all of his money in the crypto market.

He only had $400 left to his name & he went back to work to learn how to trade the right way. From scratch.

He stopped watching TV. He cut down on spending time with his family & friends. He was determined to make it work.

And, he made it work.

Niche Myths Debunked: 9 Myths You Should Be Aware of (If You Are a “Multi-Passionate” Entrepreneur Who Wants to Scale Your Business)

Niche Myths Debunked: 9 Myths You Should Be Aware of (If You Are a “Multi-Passionate” Entrepreneur Who Wants to Scale Your Business)

Let me guess. You’re here checking this post out because you’ve heard of the expression, “The riches are in the niches,” or you might have heard someone say, “You have to nail your niche. Appealing to everything is appealing to no one.”

You sort of get why business experts say these things, but you are still a bit skeptical as to how this can be applied to your service business.

Then, this post is perfect for you!

If you are new to me or my business, you may not know this, but I’ve written a few posts about why finding your profitable niche is important and how to go about it.

For this post, though, I wanted to take a completely different approach. The reason is this:

What I have come to realize by helping entrepreneurs find their profitable niches in my business is that no amount of information about the importance of niching down will help if their minds are already fixed on resisting this concept due to their limiting beliefs.

Here, you will learn about 9 common myths among entrepreneurs that cause stagnation in their business growth. In other words, they force entrepreneurs to take a longer route to scale their businesses.

While you go through these 9 myths, I want you to ask yourself if any of these describe your impression on the concept of niching down. Understanding why you might feel this way & what the solutions are to shifting your thinking is the first step on the path of finding your profitable niche.

My goal for this post is to help you remove all of the doubts & resistance you have about niching down so that you can grow your business faster by finally being ready to try this effective way of positioning your business in the sweet spot.

After reading this post, if you feel super excited about taking a fresh look at your business, then I can safely say I’ve done my job!

Keep in mind, whatever I share with you in this post comes from my own experience and from the work I do with service business owners. These are not just theories; these are real life examples.

The Biggest Crime in Service Businesses That No One Talks About & You May Not Even Be Aware of Committing

The Biggest Crime in Service Businesses That No One Talks About & You May Not Even Be Aware of Committing

This is a tale of a crime that you must know as a service business owner.

This is a crime I have knowingly committed in the past, and I am coming clean about right here, right now.

Whether you’re aware or unaware, if you end up identifying with what I am about to share, you must also come clean for the sake of your business and your customers.

It’s funny how this is NOT often discussed as a "crime." But I'm calling it a crime because it's not the way to run a sustainable business.

So, what is it, you might ask?

Well... Let me tell you a story & give a few examples.

Once upon a time, my main business model was a monthly retainer model. Before that, I was charging hourly.

I thought, "I made progress!" Charging a flat rate on a monthly basis made me feel like a badass. In case you are still charging hourly for your service, check out “Still Trading Time for Money? Overcome These 5 Key Hurdles & Finally Stop Charging By the Hour”

But soon after, I started to question this model.

I thought, "Wait, there's only so many clients I can take on. And my sales cycle for getting them is long. The only way to keep going would be to make sure that I keep my current ones as long as possible."

Do you know exactly what I was thinking of as a “quick solution”?

I'll give you a min. I want you to think about what my immediate solution was.

OK, so my thinking was:

How to Experience Breakthroughs Under Any Given Circumstance Using Your Word of the Year

How to Experience Breakthroughs Under Any Given Circumstance Using Your Word of the Year

I’m glad you found me here because I’m about to make a bold statement. Are you ready?

This year would be so much worse if it weren’t for
the Word of the Year that I chose to live by.

About a year ago, I brainstormed my Word of the Year for this year not knowing what was in store for us, more specifically, how CRAZY this year was going to be for most of us regardless of where we are located.

Yet, the word I chose was just perfect for this year.

If you are interested in understanding why this matters & how I go about choosing the word that helps me grow as a person and moves my business forward, do check out How to Pick Your Perfect Word of the Year that Will Help You Finally Achieve Your Massive Business Goals in the New Year.

As I said in this post, this is not some kind of cute exercise to do to make you feel like you are doing something. On the contrary, if you take this seriously, you are going to produce the results that you want.

In order to produce results, you want to experience as many breakthroughs as possible. When I say “experience breakthroughs,” I don’t mean for you to sit back and experience them. That’s not how it works.

Instead, what you want is to induce breakthroughs by doing things that you’ve never done before faster and more often. By having your Word of the Year in place, it will help you get through the fear of trying something new and/or resistance to sticking with it.

I don’t know what your year looked like or how hard or easy it was for you, but if you are here because you know you can be unstoppable in achieving great things and you are more than ready for the new year, this is for you.

In this post, I’m going to share my experience using my Word of the Year, “Limitless” and what I took away from it. Then I’m also going to share the stories of 2 fabulous guests I had on my monthly Business Therapy Hour on how they choose their Word of the Year.

Why I Booked a Branded Photoshoot When I Wasn’t Ready: The 5 Key Elements of a Successful Shoot for Service Business Owners

Why I Booked a Branded Photoshoot When I Wasn’t Ready: The 5 Key Elements of a Successful Shoot for Service Business Owners

Oooo, let me tell you how much I dislike getting my photo taken. I’ve dodged it very cleverly for the longest time…4 years to be exact. So why did I book a proper branded photoshoot a.k.a. a “branded lifestyle photoshoot?” Well, you’ll find out all about it in this post.

But you might be saying, “Hey Maiko, I’ve seen your photos all over the place. What do you mean you’ve been dodging it?”

Did I not just say I’ve been “cleverly” dodging it? I’ve had 2 very casual shoots done by my friends in the past, just so that I didn’t get too nervous & worked up about the whole thing. Then while I was using some of them, I hired photographers to shoot my live events for “candid shots.”

Candid shots are great because I don’t need to pay attention to what the photographers are doing. I let them do their thing & voila! A ton of good photos come out of nowhere. Then I picked a few & threw them up on my website.

These are a couple of clever ways to avoid a proper photoshoot.

But there comes a time when you want to buckle down (more like suck up) and do one.

Take These 5 Solid Steps When You Feel Unappreciated for Providing Valuable Content

Take These 5 Solid Steps When You Feel Unappreciated for Providing Valuable Content

I see you. I see your disappointed, exhausted face after cranking out content after content. For free.

You consider yourself a hardworking and good student of marketing, and you know that getting your business off the ground by just relying on word-of-mouth isn’t sustainable.

So, you tune into podcasts, read up on articles and follow experts on social media to see what they suggest and what they are doing. It won’t take long before you learn it’s all about “giving away the best stuff” and “engage, engage, and engage” long before making an offer.

You roll up your sleeves and start creating content even though the process is scary and uncomfortable. You press on by navigating through fear of judgment, imposter syndrome, the dreaded feeling of how you look on camera…(or how much you hate your own voice). You are a trooper.

But…the problem is…it’s not working. You aren’t getting any traction, let alone inquiries for hiring your business. You wonder, “What am I doing wrong?! I’m grinding myself into the ground by creating content!”

You find yourself feeling resentful. Your brain is fried to the point where it’s crispy. You are on the edge of giving it all up.

The good news - You are here. The bad news - I’m going to tell you that you have been somewhat misinformed. But I won’t just leave you there. I am going to tell you what to do. So, I think that’s still good news.

Just to be clear, the advice of “giving away the best stuff,” and “engage & don’t sell” isn’t wrong. What’s wrong is your understanding of doing that at which stage of your business and for whom. This, in my strong opinion, is not explained well enough by those experts. We’ll get into that in a minute.

Now take a deep breath & stop whining. We have work to do.

Business Continuity Plan 101: The Top 11 Positive & Resilient Moves to Make During Hard Times Based on the 5R’s of Risk Management

Business Continuity Plan 101: The Top 11 Positive & Resilient Moves to Make During Hard Times Based on the 5R’s of Risk Management

“We are more often frightened than hurt;
and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.”

— Seneca

9 out of 10 business owners I encounter, their answer to this question is a big, fat “no.” Can you guess what THE question is?

“Do you have a contingency plan in place?” – This is one of my questions that is part of the initial form everyone must fill out when they come through my doors.

Believe it or not, this to me is perfectly understandable considering that the past several years have been somewhat stable (in the US.) But this also calls for a big wake up call. Many of the things you can do to bulletproof your business are incredibly easy to do while things are seemingly normal.

The biggest reason is that you aren’t under pressure. This allows you to do all of the business continuity planning (a.k.a. contingency planning) with ease. This is the reason having a regularly scheduled CEO day on a monthly or quarterly basis is highly recommended so that you get to work “ON” (and not “IN”) your business.

For more about how to conduct one, you can check out this post.

If you are finding this post because your business has been hit by any of these risk factors, do not despair:

● Macro/Micro Economic Factors

● Technology Threats

● Pandemic/Epidemic

● Natural Disaster

● New Competition

● Government Policy/Regulation Changes

This post is not to shame or guilt you about the fact that you may not have a business continuity plan in place. This is about giving you the easy steps you can take right now to have the initial one ready to go.

How to Identify & Overcome Resistance to Change: 7 Game-Changing Questions that Will Instantly Get You Out of a Perpetual “Resistance” Rut

How to Identify & Overcome Resistance to Change: 7 Game-Changing Questions that Will Instantly Get You Out of a Perpetual “Resistance” Rut

Exactly a decade ago, I was sitting in a classroom at the IBM Conference Center in NJ. That's where I went every other weekend to get my MBA from Cornell while I worked full time.

It was during lunch time that a free class was offered. The topic was "How to Develop Your Personal Brand." William Arruda was the instructor. (I suggest you look him up on LinkedIn and connect.)

When he touched on the importance of securing a domain name under your full name, I raised my hand to make a comment,

"That seems too much like shameless self-promotion to me."

Attendees looked at William to see how he would respond, as they were secretly thinking the same thing. In this particular situation, for whatever reason, I decided to be the trigger-happy one to point out the elephant in the room.

William took a pause, looked straight at me & calmly said,

"Ms. Sakai. Get. Over. It."

Everyone laughed. Nervously.

Message received, nonetheless. That weekend, I bought my domain name.

But it wasn't until 5 years later when I finally did something with it. Yes, that's the one you're looking at right now.

"Resistance" is a powerful & distracting behavior both in life & business that we tend to hold onto. Sometimes consciously, and sometimes unconsciously.

What happened was…I was hiding behind the age-old Japanese virtue of "Wise hawks hide their claws."

The saying means to convey the importance of not showing off your craft to create unnecessary commotion which may scare off your prey. Sounds noble. Sounds logical.

But the truth was... I just wasn’t confident enough to push myself out there in that way. So, my brain decided to wrap that up with all sorts of logical reasoning as to why I shouldn’t do it to achieve 2 things:

Should You Stay a Solopreneur? - The Definitive Guide to Deciding Whether to Scale or Not to Scale Your Service Business in Under 1 Hour

Should You Stay a Solopreneur? - The Definitive Guide to Deciding Whether to Scale or Not to Scale Your Service Business in Under 1 Hour

“Should I stay a solopreneur or should I build a full-fledged firm (or an agency or a company)?

This is a $100K question.

Why $100K?

As I’ve explained in my previous post, The Ultimate Roadmap: How to Instantly Reduce the Amount of Uncertainty in Your Entrepreneurial Journey,” you can make up to $100K without a solid business model or structure or even a clear long-term vision.

You don’t believe me?

Well, all I can tell you is that I’ve seen countless amounts of people who have done it. Either you take my word for it, or don’t believe me. Your choice.

But here is the thing. Once you reach this revenue mark consistently for more than 2 years or so, possibly up to $200K, you will have to face a question like this one to gain clarity on “where to go from here?”

The good news is this is great timing to ask yourself this question for 3 reasons:

1. You have enough confidence at this point that your business generates revenue. In other words, you have your proof of concept down.

2. It’s unlikely that you are in a dire, survival mode, so you can spend some quality time making a sound business decision.

3. It’s not too late to clean up your business that grew organically, without a massive cost, to mold your business into your desired version.

To top it off, I’m making this outlandish claim that you will be able to make this decision in under 1 hour after reading this post.

Yep, you heard me. Under 1 hour.

Any successful entrepreneurs you may look up to will tell you this, your business growth is heavily dependent upon how fast you can make sound business decisions (and take required action accordingly.)

It’s because being stuck in the space of indecisiveness is the silent killer of all businesses as it causes stagnation. Money, in case you didn't know, loves speed and hates stagnation. This is why I’ve designed this post to ensure that you will be able to make a quick but solid decision for your business.

Here’s the spoiler alert:

Abundant Selling: How to Fill Up Your Pipeline Without Selling Like the Rest Pt. 2

Abundant Selling: How to Fill Up Your Pipeline Without Selling Like the Rest Pt. 2

Many of you seemed to love the “Abundant Selling” approach that cuts sleaziness & awkwardness out of your sales process. Not only that, you feel truly inspired to get out there and talk about what you do with full confidence.

Today, I’m jazzed about bringing you part 2 of this concept so that you can continue building up your customer pipeline.

By the way, the juiciest part of this post will be my 3 secret tips at the end, so don’t forget to check that out!

In case you haven’t read “Abundant Selling Pt. 1,” go there first (link) & come back to this because if you don’t start off right, the rest of the steps won’t add any value to your effort. Trust me on this one.

Just to recap, the entire cycle of the Abundant Selling framework looks like this:

Be Seen (Cultivate Curiosity)

Invite (Extract & Learn)

Offer Possibilities (Offer Beyond Their Desires)

Part 1 was all about “cultivating curiosity” by executing the S.O.S. method. I don’t care if you are an extrovert or introvert. Increasing your chance of being seen is the most optimal way to avoid coming across as sleazy or awkward. And, there are many “introvert-friendly” business activities you can do to protect your energy level.

Through the S.O.S. Method, you are basically doing your part by simply showing up while allowing people to decide whether they want to know more about how you help others through your business.

That was part 1.

The next step, the step we are going to cover today is Invite. As I previously outlined, even here at this stage, you don’t have to feel obligated to sell or make an offer.

Instead, consider this step to be the Intel-Gathering stage by extracting information from people you are interacting with in more of a focused setting such as video conferencing, calls & meetings as opposed to being at conferences and/or networking events.

The core objective of the Invite stage is to:

One Thing that Gets Your Prospects to Say “Yes” Faster: Closing the Gap Between Value and Perceived Value

One Thing that Gets Your Prospects to Say “Yes” Faster: Closing the Gap Between Value and Perceived Value

There is one lighthearted question I wish I could have asked my grandmother who passed away a few years ago, at the age of 103, just for giggles.

“Hey, grandma. Did you know that young people nowadays don’t mind paying $12 - $14 for a big bowl of quinoa salad? They even eat millet, willingly. Mind you, willingly. What do you think of that?”

Yeah, I didn’t get to ask her this, but I’m not too disappointed because I know what she would have said (although it would have been a treat just to see her reaction).

My guess is she would have said something like this:

“Why in the world would you want to eat QUINOA when you can eat bowls of pearly white rice?! Feed that to birds!”

Bear with me for a few more seconds. There is a point to this story, and it is related to how you can make your prospects say “yes” to your offer faster. I promise. 

Quinoa was never a trendy health food until now, especially from where I am from, Japan. 

Back in the old days, commoners couldn’t afford highly processed white rice, so they ate brown rice. When they couldn’t afford rice - any form of rice - then they would eat barley mixed with quinoa, millet & other hardy grains that didn’t taste as good as white rice.

Even if you are not of Asian descent, you get the idea by just replacing white rice with white bread and how people in the old days would kill to trade their whole wheat bread for a loaf of white bread. 

OK, getting back to the story.

So to older generations, having to eat quinoa is like a punishment. For the rest of us, eating quinoa is a symbol of “I’m taking good care of myself.” 

Punishment vs. A Status Symbol. What a stark contrast! Right?

So what changed? 

7 Signs Why Going Hyper Local & Offering Super High-Touch Interactions Are the Ultimate Future-Proof Strategy: The Hidden Business Gold Mine You May Be Overlooking

7 Signs Why Going Hyper Local & Offering Super High-Touch Interactions Are the Ultimate Future-Proof Strategy: The Hidden Business Gold Mine You May Be Overlooking

As a kid growing up in Japan, I used to daydream about what might be out there waiting for me beyond the ocean lines. 

Because I lived in an island nation, my excitement for the unknown and the future was that much more intense. Unlike living in Austria or Bolivia, islanders are truly isolated by oceans. We simply have no concept of “just crossing the border.”  In other words, living abroad is very foreign to us.

I had all sorts of romantic & wild notions about the idea of living abroad & how different and special my life could be.

Fast forwarding 10 years to when I found myself in the US as an exchange student, I realized it wasn’t all that I imagined as a kid. Right then & there, I realized I took so many things for granted when I lived in Japan, especially things my parents had provided for me. 

This was a priceless lesson in my teenage years:  Appreciate everything; do not take things for granted, however small they may be. How ungrateful I must have looked in their eyes, dying & rushing to get out of where I was, all just to be let down by reality later on?  Like a deserter tumbling down the sand dunes, I ran towards a flowing spring of water, only to discover it was a mirage.

Wanting to rely on getting easy leads online is a lot like this story.  Many of us often romanticize what it would be like to get online prospects into our sales funnel semi-automatically by offering free, downloadable cheat sheets, check lists, webinars, video trainings, etc.  Heck, we can even invest a little in paid ads.  How wonderful it would be!

Now your brain will go haywire with all kinds of expectations.

“No more networking.  No more cold calling.  No more selling.  No more RFP’s.  I don’t even need to leave my house.  Better yet, I can sit by the beach with my laptop & WIFI… I’ll hire help remotely.  People will just buy my stuff online… One-to-one is so yesterday.  One-to-many is the future!”

This 1 Simple Exercise will Help You Stay in Alignment with Your Business Emotionally & Strategically

This 1 Simple Exercise will Help You Stay in Alignment with Your Business Emotionally & Strategically

Entrepreneurship comes with a full of surprises at all times.

If you are an aspiring business operator or an entrepreneur, you can probably relate to this statement. 


Just by looking at this year alone for my business, there were a few twists and turns I did not anticipate.  After all said and done, they were all good.  Yet these unexpected happenings can take you off the rail rather quickly ending up losing sight of what truly matters the most in your business.

When something good and unexpected happens, you do want to keep the momentum going to get the max out of what life throws at you.  Once that settles down, you might feel a little "off" about your business overall, and that's normal.  I have been there.  Many times.

In my previous post, I have covered the importance of simplifying your business in order to scale.  While you experience highs and lows through your business, being skillful at working continuously on simplifying your business depends on how much you feel aligned with your business emotionally and strategically.

In case you are wondering, emotional alignment and strategic alignment - both need to be met.  You can't just pick & choose if you want to achieve the best outcome possible for your business.

Here, I'm going to share a fun & simple exercise to achieve both at the same time.


Want to Scale Your Service Business Fast? Find Out Whether Your Business is “Scale-Ready” Right Now.

Want to Scale Your Service Business Fast?  Find Out Whether Your Business is “Scale-Ready” Right Now.

Do you know how to tell whether a Ramen joint is a good one? 

You test the place by ordering the simplest version with just broth, noodles and a few garnishes. No meat, no shellfish, no other exotic or expensive ingredients. 

The same goes for discovering the best Burger, Arepa, Dumplings, Pizza, Curry, etc.


The reason is: Simple dishes have nowhere to hide. They'd better be darn good with very limited ingredients.

With a fewer ingredients, it comes down to how a creator of that dish crafts ingredients by adding just enough skill to make it shine.

This is, by far, the hardest thing to do.

Instead of hiding behind bells and whistles, a creator must resist the urge to show off for the sake of his ego and let his dish do the magic.


Adding is easy. Subtracting is hard.


Not only is it hard to strip a dish down to bare minimum, but it's also hard NOT to feel inadequate.  Since it is so simple, the dish will be judged by the level of confidence, knowledge, and restraint that a creator possesses.

I know what you are about to ask.

“How is creating a simplest dish even relevant to scaling a business?”

The simple strategic concept below can help you create new milestones to scale your business. Also, you will find whether your business is “scale-ready” by answering 5 statements.

So, read on.  


How to Niche Down Your Services When Your Business Has So Much to Offer Pt. 2: The Fine Art Painting Method

How to Niche Down Your Services When Your Business Has So Much to Offer Pt. 2: The Fine Art Painting Method

This is the part 2 of the 3-part series covering the topic of “How to Niche Down When You Have So Much to Offer.” 

Just to recap, part 1 covered the “what” and “why” of niching your services down like fine dining restaurant menus. (embed the link.)

I purposely used the fine dining model as an example to convey my point of how a refined, high ticket item will allow you to create a highly profitable service business without burning yourself out while executing.

In part 2, it is going to be all about “how” to explore your niche that works.  

With all the noise over on the internet, many are dismissing the fact that there are many, many highly profitable businesses that you would never hear or read about. 

Not only are they so profitable that they don’t need to conduct any sales, marketing and advertising campaigns, they are content with the kind of freedom they have with their lives without losing their love for their work.

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, let me tell you about my acupuncture doctor as a real-life example.  He is a multi-millionaire that you will never hear about (unless I tell you, of course.)

No fancy office. 

No fancy sign outside.  You’ll walk right pass it.

Occasional ads on one local super niche newspaper. 

That is about it.

He’s been running his business all by himself (no staff) at the same location for nearly 20 years.

You must be wondering, “What does he do that is so different from any other acupuncturists that is so profitable?”