
The Ultimate Roadmap: How to Instantly Reduce the Amount of Uncertainty in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

The Ultimate Roadmap: How to Instantly Reduce the Amount of Uncertainty in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

I'm sure you agree that we all have the tendency to hold on to what's familiar to us, even if that means we remain sitting still in discomfort.

Ahhhh, the comfort of certainty!

I'm going to be flat-out honest with you. The entrepreneurial journey is filled with uncertainty regardless of where you are at in your business. There's no way around it.

But is "predictability" a lot better than "giving a shot at something that's loaded with new possibilities"? 

See, holding on to certainty can delay your progress in growing your business. It's because you are perpetuating the status quo. 

Think about your own experience for a sec. You might have delayed quitting your job just because you didn't have enough evidence to support the idea of you making the right decision.

You might have held off on going on your own because you weren't sure if you could hack it & ended up keeping your side hustle as a side hustle for the longest time.

You might have stayed on the job you passionately hated because, at least, you knew they weren't going to fire you any time soon & your paychecks were guaranteed.

Looking back, is it safe to say you feel like you should have done it a lot sooner? 

That's the point. 

"Well, I wouldn't have known what I know now back then. If I did, I would've done it much sooner!" 

If you just said this to yourself, that's an indication that you are in the right place. Today, I'm going to map out the typical journey of an entrepreneur in the service business from 2 perspectives: revenue & time.

This will help you understand that the experience you are about to go through isn't at all like driving on a highway during a tropical storm. Instead, you'll see your runway clearly without the help of a fortune teller.